News and interesting topics

In the lines of this blog, the soul whispers, shares wisdom and invites you to explore the depths of the spiritual.
Die Magie der Klangschalen: Eine Reise durch Klang und Stille

The magic of singing bowls: A journey through sound and silence

Experience the healing sounds of singing bowls, which have been used as instruments of meditation and relaxation for centuries. On our blog, discover the rich history and careful craftsmanship that...

ÄtherkörperDie Leuchtende Energie Unserer Existenz: Ein Tiefgehender Blick in die Faszinierende Welt der Aura und die, die uns umgibt.

The Luminous Energy of Our Existence: A Deep Look into the Fascinating World of the Aura and That Surrounding Us.

In the world of spirituality and energy work, the "aura" is a term that is often surrounded with mysticism and mystery. But what exactly is meant by an aura and why is it important to u...