News and interesting topics

In the lines of this blog, the soul whispers, shares wisdom and invites you to explore the depths of the spiritual.
Biodescodification: Entschlüsselung des emotionalen Wohlbefindens

Biodescodification: Deciphering Emotional Wellbeing

The search for inner balance and health harmony often leads to the gates of biodescodification, a method that aims to decipher emotional codes that influence our physical and psychological well-bei...

AchtsamkeitDie Magie der Klangschalen: Eine Reise durch Klang und Stille

The magic of singing bowls: A journey through sound and silence

Experience the healing sounds of singing bowls, which have been used as instruments of meditation and relaxation for centuries. On our blog, discover the rich history and careful craftsmanship that...

Akasha-ChronikDie Akasha-Chronik: Das kosmische Gedächtnis entdecken

The Akashic Records: Discovering Cosmic Memory

The Akashic Records, the cosmic memory, hold the records of all cosmic events. At the Iris Aura Shop we offer resources and expertise to make it easier for you to access this mystical source of kno...

AmethystHerbstliche Harmonie: Kristalle für die stürmische Jahreszeit

Autumnal harmony: crystals for the stormy season

Autumn brings a time of change, ideal for connecting with the energetic properties of crystals. The Iris Aura Shop offers a selection of crystals such as smoky quartz, carnelian, amethyst, citrine ...

DankbarkeitErntedank: Dankbarkeitsrituale und spirituelle Reflexion

Thanksgiving: Gratitude Rituals and Spiritual Reflection

Thanksgiving is more than just a celebration of the physical gifts of the earth. It is also a time of gratitude and reflection where we can recognize our blessings and set our intentions for the fu...

EuropaWas sind die Rauhnächte? – Rituale, Bedeutung und mehr

What are the rough nights? – Rituals, meaning and more

The Rauhnächte are twelve special nights in the European tradition in which the boundaries to the spiritual world are more permeable. They are characterized by rituals such as smoking, masked parad...

entzündungshemmendes MittelKurkuma: Das goldene Gewürz mit heilender Kraft

Turmeric: The golden spice with healing powers

Turmeric is more than just a spice. It is a powerful remedy with numerous health benefits. From supporting digestion to fighting inflammation and protecting against free radicals, turmeric has it a...

ErfahrungenVon negativen Glaubenssätzen zu persönlichem Glück: Ein Wegweiser

From negative beliefs to personal happiness: A guide

Negative beliefs influence our view of life and our actions. By recognizing and transforming these beliefs into positive thoughts, we can find true happiness and live a more fulfilling life.

Bedeutung der MutterrolleDie unvergleichliche Rolle der Mutter: Ehre sie mit Liebe

The incomparable role of the mother: honor her with love

This post is intended to remind us to appreciate the deep and often invisible role of mothers in our lives. It is an invitation to approach them with an open heart and a grateful mind.

Anwendung von ReikiReiki im Iris Aura Shop: Ein Pfad zur ganzheitlichen Heilung

Reiki in the Iris Aura Shop: A path to holistic healing

This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of Reiki, its history, meaning and applications, and how you can experience this healing art at the Iris Aura Shop. It serves as an invitation for r...

Achte auf deine KörperhaltungGlücklicher Leben mit einem Einfachen Trick: Die Kraft der Glückshaltung

Happier life with a simple trick: The power of the happiness attitude

Discover the transformative power of the “Happiness Attitude”! Even in times of challenge, a consciously positive posture can entice our brain to experience feelings of happiness. This simple trick...

AchtsamkeitSelbstpflege und Spiritualität: Ein Weg zur Selbstliebe

Self-Care and Spirituality: A Path to Self-Love

Discover the transformative power of spirituality in self-care and how it can pave the path to self-love. Learn about practices like meditation, mindfulness, and energetic healing that not only enh...