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"Schlafen" als dreistufiges Programm - Zur Förderung des Einschlafens und des ruhigen Schlafs - IRIS AURA SHOP
Save €2,85
"Tree of Life" Ohrstecker, ein außergewöhnliches Schmuckstück - IRIS AURA SHOP"Tree of Life" Ohrstecker, ein außergewöhnliches Schmuckstück - IRIS AURA SHOP
1. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP1. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
2. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP2. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
3. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP3. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
Set of 3 MAYJAM Essential Oils - Soul Spa - Pamper your senses with vanilla, lavender & sweet orange
Set of 3 MAYJAM Essential Oils - Uplift Mood - Pamper your senses with sweet orange, eucalyptus & bergamot
4. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP4. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
5. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP5. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
6. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP6. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
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7 Chakra Symbol Crystal Stones Set for Meditation and Balancing7 Chakra Symbol Crystal Stones Set for Meditation and Balancing
7 Chakra Symbol Crystal Stones Set for Meditation and Balancing Sale priceFrom €19,80 Regular price€21,80
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7. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP7. Chakra - eine besondere Teemischung aus der Chakra Kollektion - IRIS AURA SHOP
DEPENDENCIES (Dépendances): Natural elixir to overcome addictionDEPENDENCIES (Dépendances): Natural elixir to overcome addiction
WEIGHT LOSS (MINCEUR): Natural elixir for self-control and diet supportWEIGHT LOSS (MINCEUR): Natural elixir for self-control and diet support
ADOS - Support for rebellious and reserved young peopleADOS - Support for rebellious and reserved young people
Akasha Register, Chronik - Dienstleistung online - IRIS AURA SHOP
Akupunktur - Behandlung in der Praxis in Andratx, Mallorca - Therapiesitzung - Dienstleistung - IRIS AURA SHOP
Save €4,85
Anhänger "Flower of Life" - ein kraftvolles Symbol - IRIS AURA SHOPAnhänger "Flower of Life" - ein kraftvolles Symbol - IRIS AURA SHOP
Pendant "Flower of Life"- a powerful symbol Sale price€9,95 Regular price€14,80
Anti-Aging- und Anti-Stress-Nebelserum RESCUE - IRIS AURA SHOPAnti-Aging- und Anti-Stress-Nebelserum RESCUE - IRIS AURA SHOP
Anti-Aging-Intensivserum RETIHYAL gegen Falten und zur Depigmentierung - IRIS AURA SHOPAnti-Aging-Intensivserum RETIHYAL gegen Falten und zur Depigmentierung - IRIS AURA SHOP
Anti-Aging-Nebel-Serum NIASE - IRIS AURA SHOPAnti-Aging-Nebel-Serum NIASE - IRIS AURA SHOP
Anti-Aging-Nebel-Serum NIASE Sale price€45,00
Anti-Aging-Serum LIPOHYAL gegen Falten mit bioverkapselter Hyaluronsäure - IRIS AURA SHOPAnti-Aging-Serum LIPOHYAL gegen Falten mit bioverkapselter Hyaluronsäure - IRIS AURA SHOP
Anti-Aging-Serum R-NEW UP auf Basis von GAGs mit regenerierender und straffender Wirkung mit Native Whartonide® - IRIS AURA SHOPAnti-Aging-Serum R-NEW UP auf Basis von GAGs mit regenerierender und straffender Wirkung mit Native Whartonide® - IRIS AURA SHOP
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"Antistress" candle with the scent of roses in a pink glass with a wooden lidKerze "antistress" mit Rosendurft in rosa Glas mit Holzdeckel - IRIS AURA SHOP
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Armband aus Rhodochrosit, Amazonit und Jade - hilft der Selbsterkentnis, Hoffnung, Lebensfreude und bringt Harmonie - IRIS AURA SHOPArmband aus Rhodochrosit, Amazonit und Jade - hilft der Selbsterkentnis, Hoffnung, Lebensfreude und bringt Harmonie - IRIS AURA SHOP
Armband für Schutz mit schwarzen Turmalin vor negativen Energien - IRIS AURA SHOP
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Armband mit Rhodochrosit - hilft bei der Selbsterkenntnis und Ängste, Depressionen und Unsicherheiten zu lindern - IRIS AURA SHOP
Armband oder Fusskettchen für Fruchtbarkeit, Rosenquarz, Mondstein und Aquamarin - IRIS AURA SHOPArmband oder Fusskettchen für Fruchtbarkeit, Rosenquarz, Mondstein und Aquamarin - IRIS AURA SHOP
Aromatherapy pads for the car scent locket: refill pack
Be Energized Song of India essential oil blend: An energy boost for your day - clarity, focus and freshness in every drop!Be Energized Song of India essential oil blend: An energy boost for your day - clarity, focus and freshness in every drop!
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Essential Oil Blend De-Stress & Unwind Song of India: Escape the stress of everyday life - Calm your nerves and relax your mind!Essential Oil Blend De-Stress & Unwind Song of India: Escape the stress of everyday life - Calm your nerves and relax your mind!
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Essential oil blend Keep Calm Song of India: Calm & serenity in every bottle - Relax with harmonious aromas!Essential oil blend Keep Calm Song of India: Calm & serenity in every bottle - Relax with harmonious aromas!
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Essential Oil Blend Love Notes Song of India: A Heart Full of Joy - Exquisite floral scents that spread warmth and bliss!Essential Oil Blend Love Notes Song of India: A Heart Full of Joy - Exquisite floral scents that spread warmth and bliss!
Essential Oil Blend Rejuvenate Song of India: Renewal for Mind and Soul - Immerse yourself in the revitalizing magic of pure essential oils!Essential Oil Blend Rejuvenate Song of India: Renewal for Mind and Soul - Immerse yourself in the revitalizing magic of pure essential oils!
Sweet Dreams Song of India essential oil blend: Fall asleep gently with soothing aromas - your journey to the land of dreams begins here!Sweet Dreams Song of India essential oil blend: Fall asleep gently with soothing aromas - your journey to the land of dreams begins here!
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Essential oil blend Whiff of Happiness Song of India: A touch of happiness - Sweet notes for the heart and soul!Essential oil blend Whiff of Happiness Song of India: A touch of happiness - Sweet notes for the heart and soul!
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Bergamot Essential Oil Song of India: Calming freshness and lightness for the mind and breath!Bergamot Essential Oil Song of India: Calming freshness and lightness for the mind and breath!
Eucalyptus Essential Oil Song of India: Breathtaking Freshness and Natural Relief!Eucalyptus Essential Oil Song of India: Breathtaking Freshness and Natural Relief!
Song of India geranium essential oil: floral freshness and natural insect protection!Song of India geranium essential oil: floral freshness and natural insect protection!
Neroli essential oil Song of India: floral citrus breeze for mind and soul!Neroli essential oil Song of India: floral citrus breeze for mind and soul!
Patchouli essential oil Song of India: Strengthening, calming and clarifying for mind and soul!Patchouli essential oil Song of India: Strengthening, calming and clarifying for mind and soul!
Peppermint essential oil Song of India: Activating and soothing - a touch of freshness for body and mind!Peppermint essential oil Song of India: Activating and soothing - a touch of freshness for body and mind!
Rosemary essential oil Song of India: Refreshing and stimulating - A scent that invigorates body and mind!Rosemary essential oil Song of India: Refreshing and stimulating - A scent that invigorates body and mind!
Sweet Orange Essential Oil Song of India: Fruity source of energy for body and mind!Sweet Orange Essential Oil Song of India: Fruity source of energy for body and mind!
Song of India Tea Tree Essential Oil: Natural purity and protection for your home!Song of India Tea Tree Essential Oil: Natural purity and protection for your home!
Vanilla Essential Oil Song of India: Sweet seduction and well-being - Discover the calming power of vanilla!Vanilla Essential Oil Song of India: Sweet seduction and well-being - Discover the calming power of vanilla!
Essential Frankincense Oil Song of India: Pure harmony and well-being through natural frankincense scent!Essential Frankincense Oil Song of India: Pure harmony and well-being through natural frankincense scent!
Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil Song of India: Star of Sensuality - Discover the calming and inspiring world of Ylang-Ylang!Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil Song of India: Star of Sensuality - Discover the calming and inspiring world of Ylang-Ylang!