News and interesting topics

In the lines of this blog, the soul whispers, shares wisdom and invites you to explore the depths of the spiritual.
Die Magie der Klangschalen: Eine Reise durch Klang und Stille

The magic of singing bowls: A journey through sound and silence

Experience the healing sounds of singing bowls, which have been used as instruments of meditation and relaxation for centuries. On our blog, discover the rich history and careful craftsmanship that...

AsanaDie Tiefe der Spirituellen Begriffe: Mehr als nur Worte, sondern Werkzeuge für die Seele

The Depth of Spiritual Terms: More than just words, but tools for the soul

Prana, Om, Chakra and other spiritual terms are not just words, but energetic tools for our inner journey and spiritual practice. They connect us to universal energies and inner truth, guiding us f...

Chau GangGongs für Healing: Ein Ozean von Tönen und Klängen

Gongs for Healing: An ocean of tones and sounds

The gong, an ancient healing instrument, is now used in a variety of ways for healing and well-being. Its full spectrum of sounds creates vibrations in every part of the body, promoting harmony and...